Public Relations

Need a Publicist? Your search stops here!

 Publicity Services

Whether you are an expert in your field wanting to boost your profile, or a brand with something exciting to launch- strategic PR will get the right message to the right people. You need a clear vision of who you are and please, don’t take every opportunity that comes your way. Less can be more, especially when it comes to the media.

We are here to take you on that journey- what do you want to achieve, and what opportunities do you want to create for yourself to make that happen? We will help you drill down your “why now?”

Let’s get one thing clear, shouting from the rooftops is not the solution. We are here to craft your PR plan and help you make the right kind of headlines. It’s true the media can be ruthless, and having a former journalist on speed dial will give you the edge to get noticed and be taken seriously amongst all the noise.

We offer both traditional PR plus influencer marketing solutions to help your brand get noticed in both the New Zealand and Australian markets. We also are experts at events and red carpet management and work closely with media, talent managers and influencers to get you the right guest list for your brand.

POP Pioneer

If you’re a start up, or small business and know you should be doing PR, but simply don’t have the budget- we have the solution. Our director has created a premium package, backed with over 15 years media experience to give you her tricks of the trade to get publicity yourself.

This is DIY PR with a difference. We’ll provide you with the perfect pitch pack and find your best angle, so you can secure your own media coverage. Basically we do the heavy lifting, and let you reap the rewards. This package can be for Australian or New Zealand media coverage, or a combination of both. Please get in touch today to find out more.



Cut through the noise with bespoke solutions

Strategy Services

We’ve worked in newsrooms- so we understand the deal. Making lots of noise will NOT get you the coverage you want, it will come quick and fast, tarnish your brand and then leave you exposed to the vultures.

If you want to POP the right way you need a plan and a great story- and our expertise will help you deliver that differently to the others. Just like in business, relationships are critical to everything we do in the media, and annoying the very people who can put you on the telly, is not going to do anyone any favours.

So let’s work out a plan, let’s find out what your best angles are (as in news ones, although skinny arm always works a treat too) and use the daily news agenda to our advantage to help you make an impact and leave the best impression. Great strategy shows you “get it” and journalists lap that up. You’ll win fans as well as column inches, and that is exactly where you want to be. We do storytelling with substance.

tv studio

Media Training

We’ve got all the insider tips and tricks you need!

Media Training Packages

Ok so you’ve finally secured the spot, a prime time TV interview, but ah… what happens now? Relax, we’ve got you covered with our media training programme POP Presenter that ticks all the boxes. Developed by our director, a former television news reporter and executive producer, she’s got all the tricks of the trade to make you sound as sharp, on brand and witty as you know you can be at dinner parties.

From learning about sound bites, understanding the insider workings of morning television to knowing what to wear (and what to do with those damn hands) we will make you feel at ease in any situation from live TV, pre-records to radio. Get in touch now for more information on POP Presenter and our pricing.

We also offer presenting for camera workshops for real estate professionals and content creators, please get in touch to find out more about these tailored offerings.

It was a pleasure to have Tess Woolcock put me though my paces in her media training course. Tess brings a wealth of television experience so it was extremely useful to learn the fundamentals from her. I would recommend Tess and her team for all my firm’s media and PR requirements.
— Angela Parlane, Managing Director, Shine Lawyers NZ


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